Abstracts at Rhodo's Café
September 14, 2021
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A new display is up at Rhodo's Café in Courtenay... this month's theme was Abstract and Flight Freedom... I chose prints from a shoot at Jack Point, close to the Duke Point Ferry Terminal, just south of Nanaimo, BC. It was one of those many summer days... bright blue sky, no clouds and warm... we were shooting around mid-day... not the best of time for details. I'm going to head back in the fall on a cloudy day, in the morning or evening, the colours will be even better then! I went with my friend Lee... he was shooting with his macro lens and I ended up shooting with my usual 24 - 70 zoom... we did have the tide out... so we were able to drop to the beach and shoot from there... I always like the abstracts that nature shows... these sandstone formations are many along the beach... and are very similar to the formations at the Malaspina Galleries on Gabriola Island, which is just on the other side of Jack Point... I'll assume that they're connected in some geological manner! It was hard to choose which prints to hang... in the end, I decided on four. After working on hanging the new prints, I was only able to hang two of the four I printed... but I'm going to switch them at the end of September, so they get a month each! I've also changed back to a 2:3 ratio in the prints... these prints are 8 x12 and are in 12 x 16 mats and frames. I chose the following for September...
These prints are up until October 31. Another photographer is displaying in November, but we're back in December with themes of "Warm Drinks" and "Music"... which should make some interesting viewing.
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